Color can affect areas of our lives. Like everything else in life, what is ideal in one situation may be quite the opposite elsewhere. Color affects productivity, creativity and behavior in the workplace. Keep in mind that colors are not the only effective factor; the strength and intensity of each is also important. Do not forget that strong and bold colors will cause mobility and weak and pale colors will cause calmness.

Colorful office themes can create a special image of your brand and inspire customers. Use blue as the main color for office space that requires concentration. Red is also a great choice in areas of office space that require more activity and effort. Red helps a lot of employees who need more energy during daily activities. Green provides a balance that reflects harmony, nature and renewal and can create a sense of calm and harmony with the natural environment.

How to have a good guide for choosing the color of office furniture

Experts believe that since the goal and ideal are to sell goods or services, then the customers or employers are part of it and should be considered in choosing colors. Others believe that choosing the right color for office and office furniture depends on the impact on staff and managers.


How many colors or color combinations should we choose for office furniture and desks?

The next important issue is what colors and what color combinations are suitable for offices. The fact is that different answers can be given depending on the type of job you are in. If you are in a business that needs to create a diversity of thought in buyers of your goods or services, several colors should be used.



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